Had Enough of Politics as Usual? Me too, So I'm Running for Congress.


Hello, my name is Howard Switzer. I am a local Architect, husband and father who has been helping people learn more sustainable ways to build. Like you I have grave concerns about the direction of our nation so I am running for Congress in the 7th district. It is obvious from my photo that I am not your typical politician, but I and other members of the Green Party have been studying community scale solutions to address the circumstances we find ourselves in today. Here is our plan, the Green New Deal:

An Economic Bill of Rights; A right to work, locally controlled, direct employment initiative picking up any slack in private employment, 25 million jobs with a living wage.

A Green Transition; An investment in localized, long term water, food, energy and housing solutions, closing all waste loops and wasting nothing.

Real Financial Reform; Liberate the truly productive segments of working America and create an economy that is good for people and planet, all of us.

A Functioning Democracy; Vital reforms in elections, campaign finance, corporate influence, representation and protection of individual liberty, re-establishing rule by and for the people.

I am committed to equal application of the law and recognize that the forces seeking to undermine this ideal have successfully done so, trampling on the Constitution and our inalienable human rights. Rule by the few has been re-established by the outrageous Supreme Court decision making money free-speech based on the faulty premise that corporations have the same rights as a human citizen. Personal responsibility to our families, our communities and our Creator calls us to stand up and challenge these forces.

I seek the common ground among citizens.

World events such as earthquakes, extreme weather, disease, terrorist attacks and wars have highlighted the importance of maintaining stable food, water, medical, energy, transportation, and communication systems. If food transportation were interrupted most people would be without food in 3 days. Our nation's health, wealth, and security currently rely on centralized systems for production and distribution of critical goods and services. Centralized systems are vulnerable not only to these kinds of events but also to high level corruption, as we see today.

We can build the safe and secure communities we all want and need for our children by working together to build regenerative community scale systems. I declare that the collective intelligence of free individuals united, We the People, are the final word on all policy affecting our persons, family, community and environment. I believe that human excellence and success is politically possible. We live in an abundant world. Please vote for me and other Greens. Let's not allow Big Money to determine our children's future.

The butterfly? That is a symbol of a successful transition from a critter that has eaten so much it can no longer move into one that is focused on future generations.
